My feet hurt, my legs hurt and my shoulders can't even lift my arms above my head. But for some strange reason I look forward to my Monday nights. I look forward to limping around the kitchen making my dinner and flopping myself on the couch to inhale my food. I look forward to it because I know what is coming next...
My little place of bliss. If you can't find me on a Monday night, I won't answer my phone it is because I'm usually completely relaxed, sometimes snoozing in my bath. The hottest bath my body can handle and it is pure heaven. I like to stay there until the water goes cool so I have a couple of hours up my sleeve. My poor housemate knocks on the door from time to time just to make sure that I haven't drowned. It is the absolute best way to finish my Mondays. Last night I got to read a bit about Kim Kardashians wedding. Seriously is there anything more educational? But ususally it is a good book.
Hope you find your little place of bliss.
Love Kel.
Maybe your little cousin can find her way to at least one of those classes ;-)