As you know I'm a townie. Much like the lovely Bron from Maxabella loves writes, we are country folk but we live on the main street and have all of the conveniences close to hand.
Farming on the other hand is a bit of a different story. My farmer is obviously a farmer and has shown me all of these roads that head out of town and not in the direction of Dubbo, hold on, there are more roads?? His parents still live on their family farm which I do enjoy heading out to most weekends. I get lost when we are heading to other friends houses and ask along the way, 'Who lives there?' 'What about there?' I know, I'm annoying (sorry I was born that way). The best thing about a country town? Everybody knows everything so I get my answers and my curiosity is fed. Most weekends we do head out to farms near us to visit our friends. Last weekend we headed to Ben and Katie's farm. I actually know where this is, it's on the Peak Hill road (another thing I love is that no one knows the street names, the streets head to a town and that is what the road is referred to) the farmer and I met at Tomingley Races which isn't far from the farm.
Out we went to the farm for some Sunday afternoon drinks. The horses needed to be fed, the race horse is in foul (for us city people that means its pregnant so needs special feed), Katie asked, have you driven a 4 wheeler before? Well actually Katie I have, when Dad had his farm (3 acres I'm sure is a farm, he had cows at one stage, horses at another and chickens) my uncle had a 4 wheeler for his kids to burn around in and yes I used to burn around too, so I hopped on the 4 wheeler and headed out to the back paddock with my farm hand Katie and feed. Luckily I didn't forget my camera.
I love now how my friends from the country know that I blog or even read it so when I do things like visit the farm they say to me, quick grab your camera, this will be great for your blog, or even I'm going to take a shot of you to put on your blog. Contrary to popular belief, I don't actually take pictures for my blog (as much as I love you guys too) I take pictures because I love taking pictures, but I like to think that these country friends enjoy the opportunity to show off their lifestyle to us city slickers. They have seen through my fresh city eyes and realise now that we don't know what they get up to, and see how exciting and fun it all is through me. I hope you are enjoying too because I originally did this blog for my city friends to see my adventures.
So after my photo shoot with the horses and lambies (how cute are they), Katie turned the camera on me (she is handy with one) and made me climb up on that hay bale but say hello to my new header (on the page for the country friends, headers remove the wheat grain during harvest for the city friends)). Then even with my morbid fear of birds they made me hold a chicken. Quite surprised their feet were so soft but the smile is fake and the real face is the last shot. Do you like the strategically placed Country Style? Love that mag.
Check this out, it is super cute. Just excuse the wind but you've gotta hear it.
Love the Accidental Country Girl xxx.